Window: How To Send Feedback In Windows 10 Technical Preview For Phones

How To Send Feedback In Windows 10 Technical Preview For Phones

Windows Feedback phones
The main reason Microsoft is releasing Windows 10 Technical Preview for phones is to gather feedback from users. With Windows 10, there are couple of ways to send feedback to Microsoft. First, there is a new hardware combination to launch Feedback app. Press Volume Down and Power button together to launch feedback app. The feedback app will launch the appropriate section automatically and allows you to add your feedback over there. The second way is to manually launch Windows Feedback app from the App list. You can use the Windows Feedback app to tell Microsoft which features you love, which features you could do without, or when something could be better.
  1. Press Start Windows Start icon, swipe over to the App list, and then select Windows Feedback.
  2. See if someone else has given similar feedback by entering the topic, such as Microsoft Music.
  3. If you find similar feedback, select it, add any details, then select Send.
  4. To narrow your search to a specific category, pick the category that most closely matches your feedback (so it gets to the right people quickly). For example, for feedback about the Music app, select Apps Music.
  5. If you don’t find any similar feedback, select New, and choose a topic from Select a category and then Select a subcategory.
  6. Enter your feedback (the more details the better!), add a screenshot if you can, and you’re done.
Windows 10 for phones feedback

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