Window: Microsoft adopts Zipongo to get their employees to eat better, and you can too

Microsoft adopts Zipongo to get their employees to eat better, and you can too

 On their blog Microsoft Benefits has announced that they have adopted Zipongo, an app and service that offers individualized eating recommendations, in an attempt to improve the health of their employees.
Noting that eating healthy had 3 times the impact of exercise, Microsoft is trialling the app on their various campuses and found it an effective way to offer improved food choices.
The service comes with iOS, Android and Windows Phone apps and left you:
  • Find delicious and healthy recipes tailored to your food preferences and allergy restrictions.
  • Access shopping lists based on the meals filling up your weekly planner â€" at home or in the shopping aisle.
  • Save money by scoring deals and discounts at grocery stores near you.
  • Get inspired by healthy eating tips delivered weekly.
Zipongo’s MealRx personalization engine is built on national standards, peer-reviewed literature, and Zipongo’s expert team of doctors, dieticians and cooks.
The Windows Phone 8.1 app offers features not found on the iOS and Android app, including:image
  • Scheduling favourite recipes and meals directly in an Outlook calendar;
  • Sharing recipes with family and friends via OneNote;
  • Receiving location-based notifications right before lunch which provide the healthiest menu options personalized for the user.
  • Saving most-loved recipes to a Favourites list.
The free app can be found in the Windows Phone Store here and read more about Zipongo here.

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