Window: Hack promises to let you install Windows 10 Mobile Technical Preview on any WP8 handset with a microSD card slot

Hack promises to let you install Windows 10 Mobile Technical Preview on any WP8 handset with a microSD card slot

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The biggest disappointment today was not that the Windows 10 Mobile Technical Preview did not have all the features demonstrated earlier, but rather that it was only confined to a few handsets.
Windows is anything if not hackable however, and now that Windows Phone runs full Windows it seems the hacks are already coming. have managed to get the Windows 10 Mobile TP to install on their Nokia Lumia 625, a device not included in the approved handset list.  They say the hack will work on any Windows Phone with a microSD card slot, and it is of note that before the restricted device list was displayed the much more liberal list above was seen by some readers, which said any Lumia except dual-SIM ones would be eligible, suggesting the risk is not that great.
WindowsMania have not released the hack yet, promising it for tomorrow, but keep an eye on this site for the latest info regarding this and everything else Windows 10 Mobile.

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