Pocket-lint : Latest Reviews: Uber partners with Breathometer's breathalyser app to put an end to drunk driving

Uber partners with Breathometer's breathalyser app to put an end to drunk driving

Partnerships between companies aren't always the most interesting news, but when the partnership involves two companies that can help prevent instances of drunk driving, it's a different matter altogether.
Ride-hailing mobile app Uber has become a feature in a different third-party app. It's partnered with smartphone breathalyser startup Breathometer in order to allow people who've had too many drinks call Uber directly from the Breathometer app. An in-app Uber button could not only expand Uber's user base but also save lives.
Breathometer is an Android and iOS app that comes with a device for measuring blood alcohol content, and it's latest partnership with Uber is just one of many integration partnerships it has announced since launching in 2012. The idea is that you'll use Breathometer to measure your BAC, then you'll call Uber for a ride home, and everyone will be safe.
With this partnership, Uber also stands to benefit from a good press relations image. It's trying to brand itself as a means of ending drunk driving and has even partnered in the past with the NFL and Mothers Against Drunk Driving, though most recently it unleashed a report about how Uber has likely reduced drunken driving-related crashes.
Uber also made sure to squeeze out Lyft and other ride-hailing services, according to Michael Yim, Breathometer's CEO. He told Forbes that Breathometer’s partnership with Uber is exclusive, and they've been piloting the integration since October. It works like this: if you blow a 0.04 BAC or higher, you'll be served a button to call Uber.
Breathometer makes two smartphone alcohol breathalysers, including the $50 original device, which connects through a headphone jack, and the $100 Breeze, which works via Bluetooth. All Uber customers who use Breathometer will get a 10 per cent discount on both the original and Breeze through 7 March.
Uber is also giving out free rides (up to $20) to all Breathometer users new to Uber. Check out Breathometer's website for information about all the necessary promo codes.

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