EnTech: Tesla hires head Apple recruiter after losing own recruiter to Apple Car team

Tesla hires head Apple recruiter after losing own recruiter to Apple Car team

Tesla has taken its recruiting of Apple employees to the next level: the electric car and energy company has hired away Apple’s Senior Director of Corporate Recruiting, Cindy Nicola, to become Tesla’s new Vice President of Global Recruiting. Nicola has already noted her now role and start month of May on her LinkedIn profile.
Notably, Apple actually hired away Tesla’s Lead Recruiter in 2014 for its own electric car project, as we noted in our extensive profile of Apple’s automotive related hires. Interestingly, that former Tesla recruiter Lauren Ciminera has already left Apple to work on a new “confidential” project, according to her own LinkedIn page and confirmation from a source…

As a car and energy company with manufacturing, engineering, and advanced software technologies at its core, Tesla has publicly poached several notable employees from Apple over the past few years. In 2013, Tesla hired Apple’s Vice President of Mac Hardware Engineering, Doug Field, to help lead car engineering, while several other Apple user-interface, software engineering, retail, and hardware engineering directors have also left for Tesla.
For his part, Elon Musk has been very open about recruiting from Apple, noting that his company poaches 5 times as many employees from Apple as Apple does from Tesla.  With Tesla now employing Apple’s former recruiting lead, perhaps Tesla will start to look even more like Apple in the near-future.
Cross posted on Electrek.
Elon Musk hopes Apple will enter car market, says Tesla poaching 5x as many employees as Apple
Elon Musk hopes Apple will enter car market, says Tesla poaching 5x as many employees as Apple
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Revealed: The experts Apple hired to build an electric car

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10 Responses to “Tesla hires head Apple recruiter after losing own recruiter to Apple Car team”

  1. rarabydev says: *cough* *cough* Nicola *cough* Tesla *cough* Nikola Tesla *cough*
    Liked by 1 person
  2. charilaosmulder says: I think Jobs would have liked the Watch (both the idea and the execution) but I can’t imagine him liking the Car project because it is too far outside Apple’s core business and therefore hurts Apple’s focus.
    I’m not blaming Tim especially because I think he does a great job as CEO thus far, but this is an area where I believe Apple should’t mess with. I love how Apple’s focus results in better products, and I believe the car industry is doing just fine because Tesla is around.
    • Daud Pechler (@d4u) says: Like competition can do very well â€" i.e. natural selection as well â€" why not underlining the importance of the development of more good-looking and affordable EV’s?
    • florinnica says: I think you might be wrong about that: Steve Jobs talked several times about how badly designed cars are, and it is no secret that this is one of the areas that he always wanted Apple to make a car.
      • Subconscious Guy says: (I am neither a fanboy nor an admirer of apple-car-concept) I don’t think your remark about Steve Jobs’ opinion in cars is right. According to Walter Isaacson’s book, Jobs liked Mercedes Benz (some models) quite a lot. In early Apple days, John Scully decided to use a different car to pick up Jobs from airport and Jobs liked it. In another occasion, in a debate of closed vs open systems, Jobs was asked to give an example of successful integrated solution other than Apple and Jobs mentioned cars!
  3. yojimbo007 says: Not good
  4. Eric Bennett (@EC_Bennett) says: They shouldn’t try to piss off the company that could, theoretically, purchase them in an all cash transaction….. and still have $150 billion left over. ;)
  5. tomtubbs says: Strange their contracts don’t have non-compete clauses.
    • r00fus1 says: Non-competes are not enforceable in sunny CA. Just the way I like it.

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