EnTech: Russian Microsoft Store selling Windows Phone compatible Virtual Reality headset

Russian Microsoft Store selling Windows Phone compatible Virtual Reality headset

I am sure many Windows Phone using techies are feeling left out from the virtual reality revolution currently on-going, with most new innovations like Cardboard only supporting iOS and Android.
Microsoft appears to have picked up on this in Russia at least, and have teamed up with VR company Fibrum to sell the Fibrum Pro from the Microsoft Store.
The Fibrum Pro is a VR headset which works by using your smartphone as a screen, and can be adjusted to work with devices from 4 to 6 inches. The company has also released a collection of 7 games  and a virtual 3D theatre app which can be downloaded for from free to $4.99 from the Windows Phone Store. Control is via Bluetooth HID, meaning it will work best with Windows Phone 8.1 Update 2 or Windows 10.
The device does not carry a price yet in the Microsoft Store in Russia, but is expected to cost 6499 to 7000 Rubbles ($127-137) and will be on sale from the 1st June.
See the device in action in the video below and in the Microsoft Store here.


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