EnTech: How to Pair Bluetooth Headphones and Listen to Music on Apple Watch

How to Pair Bluetooth Headphones and Listen to Music on Apple Watch

I think these how-to articles are great. Not eveyone wants to dig around Google and Apple's website to find things like this. These are great for MacRumors because they help keep people on MacRumors once they're here instead of going elsewhere for this info.

Don't have an Apple Watch and not getting one, but if there had been a similar article for iPhone or Mac before I would have liked it when I got my bluetooth headphones for a gift. I go to MR frequently for news anyway and nearly never go to Apple's website. Sure I figured it out just fine on my own, but if I had read about it beforehand it or knew I could find the info quickly on MR, it could have saved a little time.
And the information is presented in an aesthetically-pleasing way. I do agree, however, with the posters who suggest a setting to disable notification of how-to articles for those who are not interested.

I know that MR is moving over to new forum software soon. Maybe along with this could come some option of (un)subscribing to different tags / categories of news? Or maybe a new "page" could be added: Front Page, Mac Blog, iOS Blog, Roundups, How-tos.
I was going to suggest a page for the much-maligned weekly "Buyer's Guides" (example here (http://www.macrumors.com/2015/05/22/buyers-guide-deals-may-22-2015/)), but just noticed the conflicting terminology with the Buyer's Guide (http://buyersguide.macrumors.com) for Apple releases. The former might be subsumed under the latter maybe, or one of their names could be changed?
I like the how-to's and buyer's guides, but it's rather annoying nearly every time that the discussion veers from the content of the article to how much people hate or love them.
This seems like way, way to much work, and the reason mystifies me anyway: why not just play to the Bluetooth from your iPhone? If you are out without your iPhone (say jogging, biking etc.) would you have some Bluetooth equipped headphones on?

You may be closer to your watch than your phone. From what I've read your phone does not have to be right next to your watch â€" especially if you're on the same WiFi network as your watch you can go quite aways from your phone. So you might have your phone in your bedroom charging, your watch on your wrist with you in the basement, and your bluetooth headphones on paired with your watch to listen to music, etc. I'm sure there are other scenarios like this.

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