EnTech: 47 accidental smartphone pictures that will make you look twice

47 accidental smartphone pictures that will make you look twice

Ever since the first camera was added to a phone, we've become obsessed with taking pictures of just about everything that moves and a lot of things that don't. From selfies, to set-up-shots to waving a smartphone around at a gig or sporting event, we just can't get enough of taking pictures in locations and circumstances that we never would if a trip to the developers awaited after.
That isn't necessarily always a good thing. For example, are you one of those that spends an entire music festival recording or snapping the bands on stage only to realise that you actually missed seeing them with your own eyes at the time? If so, you can sit in the corner. Or do you have to take pictures of every meal you ever eat but never look back through the images afterwards? Again, corner for you me'laddo.
Thankfully, there are some who we are very grateful manage to take pictures with their devices in peculiar situations and even look back through their photo libraries afterwards. After all, if they hadn't we'd never have had as big a giggle as we've had looking through the gallery of photographs we present for you above. They are, quite simply, hilarious.
Call them optical illusions, call them perfectly timed, or even call them unfortunate, each of the pictures in the gallery above are great examples of what can happen when you arm everyone with a camera that they carry with them all the time. We hope you enjoy flicking through the pics as much as we have.
Oh, and be warned, some of them might seem NSFW. They're not when you look more closely, but your boss might not get that chance.

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