Apple: Apple to require all Mac App Store submissions to ditch garbage collection, switch to ARC on May 1st

Apple to require all Mac App Store submissions to ditch garbage collection, switch to ARC on May 1st

Image (1) mac_app_store.png for post 42758
Apple has announced on its developer site that apps submitted to the Mac App Store starting on May 1st will no longer be allowed to incorporate garbage collection, which was deprecated in OS X 10.8. Instead, developers will be required to switch to ARC, which was introduced in 10.7.
This change affects both new apps and updates to existing ones. Developers who need to make the switch to ARC can do so using the migration utility in Xcode. Apple also has a reference document to help make the transition.
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7 Responses to “Apple to require all Mac App Store submissions to ditch garbage collection, switch to ARC on May 1st”

  1. Tyler says: Does this mean no more 10.6 apps?
  2. Marvin Gräfe says: Can someone please explain me what this means? Sorry, this might perhaps be a dumb question, but I’m not a developer ;) Still, I find it quite interesting how Apple pushes the developer community into the future. I like that about the Mac App Store model, Apple defines the track of the platform and the pace of development.
    Liked by 2 people
    • OneOkami (@OneOkami) says: I’ll give this a shot. While a computer program runs, sometimes it will need to dynamically allocate memory to store a newly created object. Imagine you have an email client that is constantly running and you decide to start composing a draft of a new email. The email client would need to dynamically allocate memory for this newly created draft you’re working on. Say you then change your mind and decide to discard the draft. Traditionally the programmer would need to write code to ensure the program always deallocates that memory since it’s then no longer needed. That would free the memory to be used elsewhere in the system. If the programmer fails to ensure this, that memory will typically remain tied up and unable to be used by the rest of the system until the program terminates. Imagine this process being repeated several times while the email client is running, it’ll continue to effectively gobble up and waste more and more memory, leaving less and less memory available for the rest of the system and gradually bogging it down.
      Garbage collection is a form of automatic memory management. A process that runs in the background known as a “garbage collector” periodically looks for such tied up memory that isn’t being used (“garbage”) and frees it so that it can be used again. This relieves the programmer from having to ensure the program manually does this and keeps programs from accumulating a bunch of wasted memory (“garbage”). Apple added such a feature to version 2.0 of the Objective-C language.
      Automatic Reference Counting is another form of automatic memory management but works differently from garbage collection. When memory is dynamically allocated for an object, the program is able to keep a handle or a “reference” to that object in memory. In fact it can have multiple such references to it from various areas of the program. Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) automatically keeps track of the number of references to an object. As areas of the program no longer need to reference an object, they effectively remove their references to it. When the number of references to an object reaches 0, the object is automatically destroyed and the memory is freed up for use in other parts of the system. Apple introduced this feature to Objective-C in 2011 and also built it into Swift.
      Hope that makes sense.
      Liked by 6 people
      • pecospeet says: I used to develop back when we had to manage memory ourselves. What a hassle that was when you missed something and had to debug the gradually diminishing memory.
      • Marvin Gräfe says: Wow! You are awesome! I couldn’t have asked for a better way to describe the difference between garbage collection and ARC. Now even I understand what’s happening after May 1st.
        Liked by 1 person
  3. Zac Hall says: good riddance garbage collection hello arc
  4. Kawaii Gardiner says: Should be a pretty easy transition given that I know very few developers who actually ended up using the garbage collection when it was provided since garbage collection was never available on iOS which meant if it was used then you’d have a code base incompatible with iOS. It’ll be interesting to see how much of the OS X code base is now making use of ARC.

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