Apple: Apple introduces TestFlight Groups feature for organizing app beta testers

Apple introduces TestFlight Groups feature for organizing app beta testers

Apple announced today that it’s rolling out a new feature for its TestFlight beta distribution service called TestFlight Groups to improve the experience of managing builds with multiple testers.
Apple noted the Groups feature will allow developers to “organize your testers into groups to quickly send specific builds”, provide separate instructions on where to focus, and apply an action to several testers at once in TestFlight.”
The new feature is available to those using Apple’s in beta TestFlight service through iTunes Connect.
Apple acquired the TestFlight beta app testing platform through its purchase of Burstly in February of last year and repositioned the service as a feature of its iTunes Connect developer portal.
Apple shutting down legacy TestFlight next month following iTunes Connect integration
Apple shutting down legacy TestFlight next month following iTunes Connect integration
TestFlight prepares for takeoff, now lets developers send 1000 public beta invites
TestFlight prepares for takeoff, now lets developers send 1000 public beta invites

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4 Responses to “Apple introduces TestFlight Groups feature for organizing app beta testers”

  1. Taste_of_Apple says: Good news for developers.
  2. iAlborz says: I heard from our developer that we need to wait for the betas to go through a review. is that correct?
    • Simon Papineau (@simonpapineau) says: That is correct â€" it seems to take 1-2 days at the moment.
    • PMZanetti says: You can’t be serious! That’s horrible. I’m still using the old test flight until they shut me down in a few weeks. I can’t deal with a 1-2 day wait period.
      As soon as our builds are done at the end of the day, they are submitted for testing immediately. This seriously going to fuck us up.

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