Apple: Apple airs filmmaking iPad ad narrated by Martin Scorsese for the Oscars

Apple airs filmmaking iPad ad narrated by Martin Scorsese for the Oscars

Screenshot 2015-02-22 14.32.34
On the day of the annual Academy Awards ceremony, Apple has begun airing a new iPad Air advertisement highlighting how the tablet is used in the filmmaking industry. The new video advertisement is narrated with excerpts from notable movie director Martin Scorsese’s 2014 commencement speech at the NYU Tisch School of the Arts. The video, embedded below, is accompanied by a website highlighting specific stories of the iPad being used to make movies. These video stories were actually filmed and edited on iPads. The new website also discusses key video planning, filming, and editing applications for the iPad such as Final Draft, Garageband (but not the consumer-focused iMovie), and VideoGrade. This film-focused advertisement follows a music-oriented one that aired on the day of the Grammy Awards.

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3 Responses to “Apple airs filmmaking iPad ad narrated by Martin Scorsese for the Oscars”

  1. Miroslav Mirek Bujna (@miroslavbujna) says: Beautiful ad, as always. Apple actually understands that their products are for people.
    Liked by 2 people
    • acslater017 says: But how will I know if my wife will love the dual core Tegra 2 chipset?
  2. anneveen says: Reblogged this on Anne Veen's Weblog.

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