Despite declining sales, Samsung somehow beats Apple in cell phone customer satisfaction

Despite declining sales, Samsung somehow beats Apple in cell phone customer satisfaction

One of Apple CEO Tim Cook’s favorite terms to throw around during earnings calls and keynote presentations is “Customer Sat,” but the latest from the American Customer Satisfaction Index (via BGR) has Apple down compared to last year while Samsung continues to rise despite declining sales.
Note that these numbers were first revealed back in May.
While Apple still sells nearly twice the number of smartphones in the United States as its nearest competitor, Samsung now comes out on top in one critical metricâ€" customer satisfaction. Samsung surges 7% to an ACSI score of 81, beating Apple in overall customer satisfaction for the first time. Smartphones are becoming more dominant in Samsung’s cell phone product mix, pushing its satisfaction score higher. Apple declines for the second year in a row (-2% to 79), and the field is getting tighter, with Motorola Mobility and Nokia (now Microsoft) both at 77.
BlackBerry has seen its market share nearly vanish, but satisfaction climbs to 74 (+7%) for those customers that remain. “Samsung has gone from up-and-comer to top-of-the-heap on the strength of its smartphone portfolio,” says VanAmburg. “Apple’s magic isn’t gone, but the luster has dulled on its older models. Each iteration improves on the last, but Apple’s year-long product refresh cycle is an eternity when a new Android phone seems to be released every week.”
Apple comes in on the index measuring Cellular Telephones at a score of 79, a -2.5% change from last year and just slightly above the average 78 score for all cell phones measured in the index. Apple is still tops in Tablet and Personal Computer Satisfaction according to ACSI.
While Samsung has been steadily reporting a drop in mobile profits as it restructures its mobile division and sales of its Galaxy branded devices continue to decline, the ACSI gave the company an 81 score marking a 6.6% increase from last year. Following Samsung and Apple to round out the top 5 positions are Nokia, Motorola, and HTC.
We could only speculate what might have contributed to the decline in customer satisfaction for Apple this year, but the latest stats on sales of smartphones for Apple vs Samsung certainly doesn’t reflect the ACSI’s findings. Earlier this month Gartner reported that Apple continued to see growth of iPhone sales and overall marketshare in Q3 at the expense of marketshare for Samsung and others.
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Apple tops American Customer Satisfaction Index for 11th year running despite dropping three points
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  1. PMZanetti says: When people show me survey’s like this, I roll my eyes and take great pity on the people that present them or read them, as if they indicate anything. Whether Apple is on top, or on the bottom, this survey is meaningless, as are all surveys.
    Statistics based on small unknown sample sizes are garbage meant to feed fires. I’ve come to the conclusion that this site, and others that depend on Ad Impressions for Revenue, will post just about anything.
    Liked by 3 people
    • Edison Wrzosek says: This “survey” was likely conducted in the central portion of the US, where it has been proven that Android devices outnumber Apple, probably due to lower incomes. Out on the coastlines, Apple murders Android.
      • Tubby (@vegetablesgooff) says: Around 70,000 interviews.
        All one can take from this is 3 out of 4 people are happy with their phone. Differences between brands can’t be too far from the margin for error.
        This comment section is amusing though, you guys are priceless.
  2. Kasimani Baskaran says: lol. Not again….. everyone is between 81 and 71.
    • Edison Wrzosek says: Interesting spread, isn’t it? Wonder if there isn’t some mathematical significance to these two numbers…
  3. Jeff Hurd (@jeffhurd) says: Two words “Lower Standards”
    Liked by 1 person
    • Edison Wrzosek says: Those two words define almost every Android owner I’ve ever known…
  4. Bruno Fernandes (@Linkb8) says: So Samsung’s customer satisfaction grows as their sales and profits decline. Imagine these scores if they stopped selling phones? They’d be through the roof.
    Liked by 3 people
  5. Arthur Paul says: Buggy iOS’s, new features that don’t work very well, updates that make your phone useless, problems with wifi when iOS 8 was launched…do I need to keep going? It’s been a gong show. I love my Apple products but the frustration of problems has grown every year. But instead of the media cover the problems that pain customers, they cover stories about bending phones.
    • Edison Wrzosek says: And what about the order of magnitude problems that Android devices have, that never even get a footnote from the media, while #bendgate became a top headline? Please stop spreading FUD. The problems faced by iOS 8 this year pale in comparison to what is on the other side of the spectrum, don’t complain.
      • nobodyatwp says: That is not true. Android problems are way over stated. It’s not perfect, but if you stick with the official app store as you would with iOS (normally), then you are safe from most of the nasties and any of those that you might not be safe from, you will be unsafe for a very short period of time.
        Apple has failed, update after update of prior updates… they have definitely dropped the ball and need to pick up.
      • Edison Wrzosek says: And that is utter BULLSHIT! My wife (unfortunately) uses Android because it has a larger screen than a 6+, and she barely puts any apps on it, and the thing is a DOG (Sony Xperia Z Ultra, 4.4.4). The bloody thing needs to be reset, for the THIRD time now because it’s become so unstable!
        And it’s not an isolated incident… Almost EVERYWHERE Android device I encounter, mainly at work where I sadly must support them, have issues with lag, crashing apps, incompatibilities, and generally horrid UX.
        Android is not the rosie picture you make it out to be, so just stop.
      • Daniel Beehn says: I beg to differ. I switch from iPhone to Android shortly after iOS7 was announcedâ€"not just because of the horrid new design, but also because I was getting increasingly frustrated with the Apple ecosystem. iMessages was constantly down and its syncing problems caused me to miss several important texts. Not to mention the fact that iCloud is pure CRAP and I HATED having to go through iTunes to sync anything to my phone.
        Since then, I have owned both a Samsung Galaxy S4 and a Moto X, and have NEVER had a single bug or problem that I can say caused a dissatisfactory experienceâ€"no problems with Wi-Fi, battery life, syncing, etc. I’ve even convinced my 50-year-old mother to switch as well, and she now prefers Samsung to iPhone. Point being, if you’re having problems with Android, more than likely you’re using it wrong. There’s a reason Apple makes phones for people like you! :)
      • Edison Wrzosek says: ROTFL!!! Didnt take long for the Fandroids to come in here, frothing at the mouth, ready to spew the usual garbage about how good Android is, bloody pathetic. This is an Apple site, yet you don’t go to Android sites, and instead come here to spresd bullshit. Do everyone a favour and just leave. The devices you described, even the Moto X, are junk. I’d take a Passport over them ANY DAY!
      • raviclip says: Edison
        No one hates here. I do use iphone, hence I follow iOS blogs. Same for everyone who ever is in the blog. Please throw your crap out of this community and take passport and where ever you want. No body cares. Stop being hater. IOS community means not being against any OS. It means helping each iOS member. Seems to be you need to take passport and run. We want to hear something good about iOS, not to turn blind hater like you. If you did not apply for a passport, apply now and get out from here.
      • Edison Wrzosek says: You wanna know why I hate Android? Because it’s a piece of flipping junk, with constant bugs, security vulnerabilities, leaving its users exposed. Not to mention constant lag, performance issues, and crap apps when compared to their iOS counterparts. Even native BB OS apps are of superior quality.
        If you don’t like what I have to say, or my love for Apple, then just ignore me. But expect me to respond if you, or anyone else, try to put down iOS in favour of Android. Btw, not saying iOS is perfect, far from it, but compared to the alternative, it’s much better!
      • Edison Wrzosek says: BTW, I am more than willing to help my fellow iOS users, with legitamite issues, like I do on a daily basis at work, and to my friends. Those who are just here to whine and nit pick over stupidity, like positioning of the power button on the 6, or the non-existsnt issue of low volune with the iPad Mini 2, need not apply.
      • raviclip says: Apple is a premium product. No doubt about it. I’m using iphone 5S. If anyone is saying crap about Android, it means he is definitely a hater or don’t know anything, and knew only how to hate. Do we know what Android means? Don’t tempt by cheaper phones. Use a premium Stock or Customized phones and feel the difference between cheap and premium. Android is built as an open source. Sony Xperia-z Ultra is not a premium phone. If you wants to feel premium in Sony, then try Z3. Android gave life to so many. Every OEM in the world is able to design a smart phone the way they want. It is impossible with iOS. IOS is not an Open source. We have to understand the technology, not the business. That is OEMS Headache. Don’t get into such headache until you are a part of that business.
        It is true that iOS 8 has hell lot of bugs and Apple had to release updates immediately to fix it. If people don’t complain, what do you expect as customer satisfaction. Listen to the complaints and bring the solution if you are capable. Stop behaving like an idiot or jerk, be a man. Stand ahead and try solving problems. Stop asking others to leave or stop complaining. I’m not a fan boy. Respect the technology. Technology is what someone had invented for us to live a happy and free life. They have to spend Thousands of Hours to bring it to the User.
      • shr96 says: I just came here to read the comments from you sheeples
  6. kilamir says: Yea these surveys tend to be BS but this result can be correct because the only people who is still buying samsung products are more die hard fans so of course the rating will be higher. The ones that rated them low last year have jumped ship.
  7. nobodyatwp says: Samsung would have far greater satisfaction IF they updated all their devices software and also do so much more quickly.
    For example, I’m stuck on 4.3 on an i9300 (S3) and 4.4.2 (which took quite a long time to get this update) on an i9505 (S4 LTE) â€" both devices should be at least 4.4.4 and probably 5.0.2… they are certainly capable. The i9300 has a known vulnerability and I’ll probably have to end up rooting the device to get a later version.
    • Edison Wrzosek says: How about just do the smart thing (like so many millions of others did this year), and jump to iPhone? Problem solved, no rooting required.
      • nobodyatwp says: No way! It’s not the smart thing by any measure that I take seriously.
      • Edison Wrzosek says: Then you’ve proven to be the fool, sticking with a garbage device with known vulnerabilities, instead of going with one of the best and safest platforms and devices.
        Now leave.
      • nobodyatwp says: I’ve solved my Samsung problem, buying a OnePlus One for half the cost of the closest Apple equivalent. I am not foolish enough to buy an iPhone at this time, perhaps never.
      • Edison Wrzosek says: That’s still not solving your problem, which is not so much the brand of your handset, but rather the OS… It’s still running Android.
        If you have such irrational disdain for iOS, then you should go with BB OS 10 or WP 8.1, far superior OS’s to Android.
        If you’re primarily a heavy app user, then it’s completely iOS.
      • nobodyatwp says: Android is fine, lack of updates is an issue. Updates that fail are an iOS problem of late (in particular). I’m not going to post to all your comments. BB is a complete no-go for me, their message service scrambles messages, it doesn’t encrypt them properly â€" just for starters. My OnePlus One is very good hardware with an excellent implementation of Android; aside from the finger print reader that I don’t want, it is about half the cost of an iPhone of equivalent spec. As a technology person, I need to know what is going on with Apple products and many other products. I’m not a Fandroid, but I’m also not an iSheep person either. Lots can go wrong and right with technology, no matter whom makes it. Apple tends to hide issues and fanboys like yourself don’t do Apple good service, you are simply deluded … I don’t drink the KoolAid from Apple. And Apple is the supreme marketing company, they’ve done a good job for you, I can see past the smoke and mirrors thank you very much. Oh and of course Android isn’t perfect, but nor is iOS by any stretch of the imagination; there is plenty of room for improvement on both fronts.
  8. Israel Anderson (@israelanderson) says: A power button that is exactly opposite a volume button on the handset so that when you push the power button, 80% or so of the time it does nothing because the volume up button is depressed at the same time. Yeah, if I was surveyed, this is the first time I would have rated Apple lower too. WTF is with this stupid design. Did they not try using it themselves before making the thing. The 6+ design really has some shortcomings that are worth knocking the “customer sat” down a few pegs. I’m NOT satisfied, and I’m reminded of how stupid this design is multiple times ever single day. Oh wait, don’t tell me, I’M PRESSING IT WRONG.
    • Edison Wrzosek says: Then stop whining and go get something else. Many users who got a 6/6+ were irked by this change, but guess what, they quickly adapted, and now have ZERO ISSUE. If you’re an old dog who can’t learn new tricks, don’t blame everyone else for your shortcomings.
      • Israel Anderson (@israelanderson) says: If you had anything intelligent to say, your wife wouldn’t be using an Android. Deal with your own shortcomings before looking to others.
      • Edison Wrzosek says: How about you shove that comment up where it don’t shine pal? She uses that phone not because she likes Android, which she doesn’t… It’s because she has poor eyesight and needs the larger screen (5.5″ vs 6.4″ does help her).
        She’s already said if Apple made a bigger iPhone, she’d switch.
  9. Jack Thomas (@JackThomasAZ) says: Customer satisfaction is directly related to expectation level. If you expect crap to stink, you’d don’t mind the smell as much.
    Liked by 1 person
  10. kbx2000 says: Bullcrap. My S2 has less bugs than my S5 (ex. Frozen screen, phone not turning on for some reason, cannot connect to wifi). My 1000 dollar samsung computer cannot even run a simple music notation software. In fact, the only samsung product i own to have ever functioned properly is samsung’s refrigerator. I am 100% percent satisfied with this brilliant refrigerator of samsung’s, however, for everything else, samsung products deserve to be thrown in the garbage (which i have done so with my s5)
    Liked by 1 person
    • Edison Wrzosek says: It’s a shame more people haven’t come to the realization you have, that Samsung has ALWAYS been utter CRAP. All they have is excellent marketing, with deep pockets and relationships with retails to push their junk on consumers who are none the wiser.
  11. timcrook says: Hey Edison, how big of a pay check did you get from Apple for posting bullshit replies all over this comment section?
    • Edison Wrzosek says: None, and I don’t expext any pay for it. I’m not going to let Fandroid propoganda and BS FUD stand on an Apple site. You don’t see me on any Android sites spewing anti-Android do you? People like you, who obviously don’t like Apple in the slightest, yet come to a pro-Apple site to put it, and its users down, have serious mental issues.
  12. raviclip says: Hello Edison
    Apple is a premium product. No doubt about it. I’m using iphone 5S. If anyone is saying crap about Android, it means he is definitely a hater or don’t know anything, and knew only how to hate. Do we know what Android means? Don’t tempt by cheaper phones. Use a premium Stock or Customized phones and feel the difference between cheap and premium. Android is built as an open source. Sony Xperia-z Ultra is not a premium phone. If you wants to feel premium in Sony, then try Z3. Android gave life to so many. Every OEM in the world is able to design a smart phone the way they want. It is impossible with iOS. IOS is not an Open source. We have to understand the technology, not the business. That is OEMS Headache. Don’t get into such headache until you are a part of that business.
    It is true that iOS 8 has hell lot of bugs and Apple had to release updates immediately to fix it. If people don’t complain, what do you expect as customer satisfaction. Listen to the complaints and bring the solution if you are capable. Stop behaving like an idiot or jerk, be a man. Stand ahead and try solving problems. Stop asking others to leave or stop complaining. I’m not a fan boy. Respect the technology. Technology is what someone had invented for us to live a happy and free life. They have to spend Thousands of Hours to bring it to the User.
  13. jameskatt says: Ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha. Samsung somehow beats Apple in customer satisfaction. Ha ha ha ha. Is it April Fool’s yet???
    Liked by 1 person

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