What Is Your Favorite Holiday Memory About Tech?

What Is Your Favorite Holiday Memory About Tech?

Christmastime holds some of the most visual memories of gadgets and gizmos, especially when I was kid. You're presented with a deluge of gifts that on any other normal day would make you faint from excitement, but during the holidays you channel that raw excitement into your voracious wrapping paper-tearing skills.
The holidays just have the special blend of new toys + no school that make certain electronics cemented into my brain. I was fortune enough to receive a couple video game systems in my youth during Jesus' b-day bash, and I subsequently remember wanting to play them for days straight or until my eyes started bleeding. You know, whichever came first. I don't know if I was ever as excited as this kid...
...but man, those were the days.
Do you have any wonderful memories of certain gadgets you got during the holidays? What have been your favorites? It is the season of giving after all, so share your comments with us below.

Image via Deyan Georgiev/Shutterstock

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