Apple Seeds Safari 8.0.3, 7.1.3, and 6.2.3 to Developers


Apple today seeded a new Safari 8.0.3 beta for developers running OS X Yosemite, along with a Safari 7.1.3 beta for Mavericks and a Safari 6.2.3 beta for Mountain Lion.

Registered Mac developers can download the new Safari builds through the Software Update mechanism in the Mac App Store or through the Mac Dev Center. In the release notes for the new betas, Apple asks developers to focus on features like Extensions, Password AutoFill, HTML5 video playback, notifications, and more.

Focus Areas
Please focus testing on the following areas:

- General website compatibility
- Extension compatibility
- Password AutoFill
- HTML5 video playback on popular video sites
- Using the Web Inspector to debug websites
- Reading List read/unread state
- Editing bookmarks in the Favorites Bar and Bookmarks Sidebar
- Website notifications

In addition to the forthcoming Safari update, Apple is also working on another general OS X Yosemite update, OS X 10.10.2, which saw its second beta seeded to developers last Friday.

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